
Convert hand-written Documents to softcopies(1000 words)

Original price was: ₦10,000.00.Current price is: ₦9,500.00.

This product is for you if you need your well-written, legible document well typed, and sent to you in ms word or pdf format.

Please use the upload link on this website to send clear screenshots or scanned copies of your hand written document.

To take a clear scanned copies of your hand-written documents, we recommend a mobile app called ‘camscanner’. It is available in the Google PlayStore.


This product is for you if you need your well-written, legible document well typed, and sent to you in ms word or pdf format.

Please use the upload link on this website to send clear screenshots or scanned copies of your hand written document.

To take a clear scanned copies of your hand-written documents, we recommend a mobile app called ‘camscanner’. It is available in the Google PlayStore.


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